Author Archive

Congratulations to Yeanoh Mansaray

Over the moon today at hearing that Yeanoh (left), one of our oldest beneficiaries, has received a brilliant set of grades in her West African Secondary School Certificate of Education (WASSCE) exams – the Sierra Leone equivalent of A Levels.  With her grades, she is hopefully assured of a place at university – and opportunity that would perhaps have never been possible without some very generous support from a Wharf…

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New Year in Magazine Wharf

End of our first full year!  Hard to believe that it is just over a year since the devastating Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone was declared over.  So much achieved over the past twelves months – we are now supporting the education of more than sixty children in Freetown, most of whom were dreadfully affected by Ebola, losing parents and siblings, and in many cases suffering from the virus itself.…

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Homes for Survivors

Great to see the progress on Samuel’s new house.  Poor guy lost his wife, brother and sister to ebola, but thankfully survived it himself.  He also lost his home, having been stigmatised by the local community.  For the past two years he and his four children and his four nephews and nieces have been living in a cramped room loaned to them by a friend.  But thanks to the extraordinary…

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Graduation Day for Yeah

Great to see Yeanoh graduating from her senior secondary school this week, having completed her WASSCE exams.  Waiting now to see how she gets on, and quietly optimistic that she will do well enough to gain a place to read engineering at university.  She would be the first of our beneficiaries to get to university, and to prove that anything is possible with a little support, irrespective of the circumstances…

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Jenneh’s Big Day Out

So lovely to see little Jenneh (Ebola survivor and orphan) out on a day trip to Lumley Beach with her new tutor Ruth. Little Jenneh was the basis for the formation of Wharf Kids in the summer of 2015.  She lost her mother and little sister to Ebola, and remains utterly traumatised by her experiences.  In recent weeks Wharf Kids has taken Ruth on as an additional private tutor to…

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Military veterans run marathon for Wharf Kids

Thank you to two rather extraordinary military veterans who recently ran the Clarendon Marathon to raise funds for Wharf Kids.  Olly (right) served with charity founder Charlie in Afghanistan in 2010 before being badly wounded by an improved explosive device while evacuating one of his very injured soldiers from the battlefield.  So heartening to have them as Wharf Kids supporters, continuing to do good things to those less advantaged than…

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Thank you to our young fundraisers

Huge thanks to Daisy H who has been raising funds for Wharf Kids over recent weeks via a couple of amazing bike rides. The first a 40 mile cycle ride, and more recently a 53 mile cycle to raise awareness of the charity while also gathering funds to secure the future of children affected by ebola.  Thank you Daisy!

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Welcome to the new Website

Delighted to announce our new website – a wonderful first birthday gift to us from extraordinarily kind hearted charity patron Kate Holt.  Thanks to Kate and the amazing team at we now have a brilliant new logo, new name and world class website.  Thank you from all of us at Wharf Kids!

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